
RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge (2018)

As part of its efforts to help develop artificial intelligence (AI) tools for radiology, in 2018 RSNA organized an AI challenge to detect pneumonia, one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide.

About the 2018 RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge

We worked with colleagues at the Society for Thoracic Radiology and MD.ai to label pneumonia cases found in the database of chest x-rays made public by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In the challenge, we invited teams of data scientists and radiologists to develop algorithms to identify and localize pneumonia. Kaggle, a subsidiary of Google, provided a data-sharing platform for the challenge. Kaggle also identified the challenge as socially beneficial and contributed $30,000 in prize money.

Response to the Pneumonia Detection Challenge was overwhelming, with over 1,400 teams participating in the training phase. The 10 top entries in the test phase were recognized at an event in the AI Showcase at RSNA’s 2018 annual meeting.

Download the datasets

You may access and use the imaging datasets and annotations for the purposes of academic research and education, and other commercial or non-commercial purposes as long as you meet the following attribution requirements linked below.

Please note: These are very large files. We recommend you have sufficient internet bandwidth and storage available before downloading the datasets.

Terms of use and acknowledgments