
Developer tools

This page supports users of the Image Share Network and also serves as reference implementation for developers to use for building their own patient-focused image sharing applications. Health care IT vendors interested in applying for the Image Share Validation Program may use this information to learn more about the software's development.

Downloads of software, source code and documentation are available below.


The RSNA Image Share project developed tools to enable radiology sites to link to a standards-based (IHE XDS-I) infrastructure for patient-focused network sharing. The Edge Server, which was implemented at 20 radiology sites for the project, is able to:

  • Gather images and reports and place them in a secure digital package
  • Provide a simple browser-based user interface to select patient studies and send them to an XDS-I compliant registry/repository
  • Generate a unique security key, which patients use to transfer this information from the clearinghouse to their personal health record accounts

Download and documentation

The latest release of the Edge Server software is release 5.0, available to download as a virtual machine via the link below.


For more information about the Edge Server and how to connect to the Image Share Network, please email imageshare@lists.rsna.org.