RSNA Annual Meeting Facilitates Great Connections

Members share their stories of family get-togethers, running into former colleagues and meeting radiology luminaries 

The RSNA annual meeting, often referred to as RSNA by attendees, is the optimal opportunity to network and reconnect with radiology colleagues from around the world. Each year, attendees reunite with fellowship colleagues, meet mentors in person after connecting over social media, and enjoy family reunions with parents, siblings and cousins who also work in some aspect of radiology or medicine.

For Brandon K.K. Fields, MD, a radiology resident in the Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, San Francisco, the meeting is an opportunity to connect with well-recognized and respected radiologists in the field.

“Meeting luminaries is always a slightly starstruck moment,” Dr. Fields said. “Whether after a plenary speech or passing in the halls, I've always had excellent experiences. I'm relieved and happy to know that they are just people too, often more than generous with imparting their wisdom and experience.”

Dr. Fields also enjoys running into former classmates, or even colleagues a few years ahead of him, who he doesn’t often see during a busy workday. 

“I love meeting up with my resident and fellow colleagues from around the country every year,” he said. “Usually, we will make it a point to get dinner or catch a jazz show in the city.”

Dana Alkhulaifat, MD, stands with her father Samih Alkhulaifat, MD

Dana Alkhulaifat, MD, a medical graduate from Jordan currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and her father, Samih Alkhulaifat, MD, senior consultant radiologist at King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan, at RSNA 2023.

Dana Alkhulaifat, MD, is a medical graduate from Jordan currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in the field of radiology. She has met up with her father, Samih Alkhulaifat, MD, senior consultant radiologist at King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan, at the meeting the last three years. Her father has been attending RSNA for more than 30 years.

“My father was a big influence on why I want to become a radiologist. I grew up being very curious about radiology while shadowing my dad as a kid, but I would say I truly fell in love with it during medical school,” Dr. Alkhulaifat said. “Radiology is a rapidly evolving field due to constant technological advancements, especially with recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, which is one of my main areas of research and is a huge interest of mine.”

Dr. Alkhulaifat’s interests focus on AI and oncology imaging in pediatric radiology. Her father is subspecialized in US imaging.

During RSNA 2023, Dr. Alkhulaifat presented her first session, which was an opportunity for her father to hear her speak about her research. It also was a chance for him to meet with her mentors at CHOP.

This year, they hope to connect again during RSNA 2024.

“I’m looking forward to attending some wonderful sessions and networking with other researchers and radiologists. I’m also thrilled to have our work showcased at RSNA, in addition to supporting my colleagues at CHOP,” Dr. Alkhulaifat said. “As a new member of the Radiology: Artificial Intelligence Trainee Editorial Board, I’m excited to meet the other TEB members and editors of the journal at the editorial board meeting.”

Jonathan Revels, DO, poses with Mariam Moshiri, MD, Sherry Wang, MBBS, FRANZCR, and Jennifer Weaver, MD

During an evening event at the Field Museum, Jonathan Revels, DO, (second from left) clinical assistant professor of body imaging for the Department of Radiology at New York University (NYU)–Langone Health in New York, ran into Mariam Moshiri, MD (left), Sherry Wang, MBBS, FRANZCR (second from right) and Jennifer Weaver, MD.

Jonathan Revels, DO, clinical assistant professor of body imaging for the Department of Radiology at New York University (NYU)–Langone Health in New York, enjoys coming to RSNA because of the opportunities to network and meet potential mentors.

“I remember meeting two key people during my first RSNA as a resident,” Dr. Revels said. “The first was David Yousem, who was hosting a lunchtime table meet and greet in the resident area. I was so excited to meet one of the top neuroradiologists and co-author of the Neuroradiology Requisites – it was a true fan moment for me! The second person I met was Myles Taffel, who is now my faculty mentor at NYU. Myles was moderating my resident research poster presentation session, and his kindness and engagement made my first RSNA experience so memorable.”

Dr. Revels compares his time at RSNA to a famous NYC fashion event and fundraiser. “The annual meeting is like the Met Gala of radiology. The celebrities and luminaries of our field are all there, and they are so accessible to greet, take photos with and connect with,” Dr. Revels said. “I remember approaching Gautham Reddy and Eric Stern the year I had accepted my thoracic fellowship at UW. I was in awe of speaking with these titans of thoracic imaging in person, especially when they already knew who I was.”

Many casual—and equally memorable—moments happen during the meeting as well. “When I’m just walking around, saying hello to people, and suddenly realize I’ve read their papers or seen them online,” Dr. Revels said. “I’ve also enjoyed hanging out with friends like Sherry Wang and Jenny Weaver because they know absolutely everyone and I get to enjoy their celebrity by extension.

Elena Greco, MD, and Parisa Khoshpouri, MD, pose in front of an Art of Imaging exhibit at RSNA 2023
Elena Greco, MD, (center), who recently finished her research fellowship at Mayo Clinic Florida to start her residency, and Parisa Khoshpouri, MD, (second from left), a postdoc research scholar at SUNY Upstate Medical University and originally from Iran, connected on X and met in person, along with several mutual friends, in front of Dr. Khoshpouri’s Art of Imaging submission in the Learning Center.

For many RSNA attendees, one of the many benefits of attending the meeting is the opportunity to meet in person after connecting over social media. Elena Greco, MD, who recently finished her research fellowship at Mayo Clinic Florida to start her residency, and Parisa Khoshpouri, MD, a postdoc research scholar at SUNY Upstate Medical University and originally from Iran, connected on X about Dr. Greco’s research on advanced imaging techniques and 7T for pre-operative planning for deep brain stimulation. During RSNA 2023, the two met in person.

They met, along with several other mutual friends, in front of Dr. Khoshpouri’s Art of Imaging submission in the Learning Center. “Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Khoshpouri and we connected almost instantly. We are both active on X, so when we finally met in person, it felt like we already knew each other,” Dr. Greco said. “We spent time together attending RSNA talks and events, which really helped strengthen our connection.”
Anne Darrow, MD, and Sherif El-Sherif, MD at the RSNA annual meeting

Anne Darrow, MD, breast imaging specialist at the University of Chicago, and Sherif El-Sherif, MD, body imaging fellow at Stanford University, CA, catch up each year during the annual meeting.

For some attendees, RSNA is an opportunity to reconnect with former colleagues. Anne Darrow, MD, breast imaging specialist at the University of Chicago, and Sherif El-Sherif, MD, body imaging fellow at Stanford University, CA, met as co-interns at a small community hospital in Chicago in 2019. They bonded during the COVID-19 pandemic. After their intern years, they each completed residency in different states and now live thousands of miles apart. Each year, they meet up at the annual meeting.

“Dr. El-Sherif is at Stanford and I’m here in Chicago,” Dr. Darrow said. “We are thankful to catch up at RSNA.”

Dr. Darrow also met mentors and joined a new professional group following an RSNA meeting. “I attended a speed mentoring event at RSNA 2019 organized by the American Association for Women in Radiology (AAWR). It was such an amazing experience, I met incredible mentors and gained invaluable career and life advice,” Dr. Darrow said. “I joined the organization, became involved with their events and eventually joined the board. Coming full circle, I have helped to organize the AAWR RSNA speed mentoring events for the past few years. It is always a highlight of my year. The connections I have made there are truly life changing. I am so grateful that RSNA fosters opportunities like this.”

For More Information

View the RSNA 2024 program on Meeting Central.