'Radiology Advances' First Issue Released
Exclusively open-access journal balances open publication with expert review

The first issue of Radiology Advances, RSNA’s exclusively open-access journal, is available. Led by Editor-in-Chief Susanna I. Lee, MD, PhD, the new journal includes a wide range of high-quality international radiology research, accessible to readers without a subscription.
Initially introduced in March with the early release of several preview articles, Radiology Advances is published by RSNA in partnership with Oxford University Press. The first issue features eight articles—six research and two editorial—investigating a broad variety of modalities and anatomy.
With a goal of making publishing transparent and timely, Radiology Advances undergoes a detailed peer and editorial review to ensure that only the most thorough and impactful research is shared to enhance patient and health care.
As an open-access journal, Radiology Advances offers both CC BY 4.0 and CC BY-NC-ND licenses and is compliant with funder mandates for open-access publishing. Peer-reviewed articles are published as advance articles prior to copyediting or typesetting to facilitate rapid dissemination. Once final, these articles will be continuously published in an open issue with the same digital object identifier (DOI).
Associate Editors Sought
Dr. Lee is seeking additional associate editors to join the Radiology Advances editorial board. Qualified candidates will have staff/faculty level appointments in radiology, nuclear medicine or the imaging sciences. Editorial roles are volunteer/committee positions with three-year terms. To apply, complete the online application by July 31.
Radiology Advances joins RSNA’s suite of peer-reviewed journals that includes the Society’s flagship journal, Radiology, education journal, RadioGraphics, and subspecialty journals, Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, Radiology: Cardiothoracic ImagingandRadiology: Imaging Cancer.
For More Information
Access Radiology Advances.
Read the previous RSNA News story, “RSNA ‘Radiology Advances’ Open Access Journal Goes Live.”
Learn more about RSNA journals.