RSNA Member Spotlight: Suzie Bash, MD
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Suzie Bash, MD, is a neuroradiologist and a medical director at RadNet. She previously served as an assistant professor of neuroradiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where earlier she had completed a two-year neuroradiology fellowship and residency.
Dr. Bash’s passion and interests lie in AI applications in advanced neuroimaging which add patient-centric value, quality and efficiency. She has a special interest in dementia imaging and Alzheimer’s disease educational initiatives.
A recurring guest on TV, radio and podcasts, Dr. Bash is also actively involved in AI clinical trials, peer-reviewed publications, and AI and dementia related educational talks and webinars. She serves on the medical advisory boards of several AI companies and on the editorial board in the AI section for Applied Radiology where she is a frequent contributing author.
What or who sparked your interest in radiology?
There are certain teachers we encounter in life who indelibly inspire us through their passion, expertise, charisma and teaching style. There were two such teachers who led me to radiology. The first was Dr. Thomas Cusack, chair of radiology at my medical school. He made solving mysteries through image interpretation an exciting and rewarding endeavor.
The second was my father. I have always been fascinated by the human brain and I knew I wanted to commit my life to learning more about it. It was ultimately my dad, Dr. Stephen Bash, a pediatric cardiologist, who inspired me to become a neuroradiologist. While in medical school, I was fortunate enough to train at the same hospital as my father. We would chat every morning in the doctor’s lounge before work.
One morning he walked me through what life might be like as a neurosurgeon, neurologist, neurointerventionalist or neuroradiologist—all of which I would have loved. But it was that particular morning, through his words of wisdom, that I made the ultimate career choice to become a neuroradiologist—a decision that I have never regretted. It has brought me tremendous personal and professional satisfaction every day of my career.
What has been the best professional accomplishment in your career?
The best professional accomplishment was really a series of events that transpired later in my career. A mentor, Dr. Lawrence Tanenbaum, inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and engage in a much more public way in my areas of primary interest, namely AI and dementia imaging. I began undertaking educational initiatives for both the lay public and my radiology colleagues in these areas through TV, radio, educational webinars, industry advisory roles, talks and publications.
I am fortunate to work at RadNet, the largest free-standing outpatient imaging enterprise in the U.S., because they have always been very forward-thinking when it comes to utilization of AI applications that enhance patient care. So, I found myself in an environment where I was able to employ AI solutions in my clinical practice from a very early stage. With that as a starting base, I was able to engage in opportunities that allowed me to grow and evolve professionally.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in building your career?
The biggest challenge has always been finding time to do all of the things that bring me joy and satisfaction in both my personal and professional life. There is no such thing as a perfect balance when you love your career and your family, but we are all trying our best to circumvent this challenge in the most impactful way for our unique situations. It requires a lot of creativity and flexibility. I still look back on my days at UCLA, when my husband and I would get home late each night. We would take great pleasure in our “midnight walks” with our infant son, as it was the only weekday time that we could all be together in a meaningful way. As our children grew up, we would all rollerblade as a family together late at night in the park.
My husband, Dr. Peter-Brian Andersson, a neurologist, has been a constant source of support and encouragement as we navigate the challenges of balancing time. I have discovered that although quantity of time always matters, it’s much more about how many beautiful memories you can create with the people you love in the finite amount of time that you have on this Earth.
What RSNA resources do you use/have you used to assist you with your professional development and in your daily practice?
I love attending the RSNA annual meeting each year because of the cutting-edge advances which forge my professional development and often translate into my clinical practice. My favorite experience is always interacting with industry and colleagues in the AI Showcase. I have enjoyed giving talks in the Innovation Theater and elsewhere at RSNA over the last four years. I also have given educational webinars for RSNA and serve on the RSNA-ACR Public Information Website Committee for I greatly look forward to the exchange of ideas and reconnecting with colleagues each year at RSNA.
When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your free time?
I like to spend my free time traveling around the world, going to parties with friends, exploring great restaurants, listening to music and spending time with my family. Someday, when life slows down a bit, I can’t wait to get back to all of the other hobbies I love, like playing electric guitar, martial arts, skateboarding, reading and painting. Ideally, I would be thrilled to start DJing again, recording music and writing non-fiction books.
For More Information
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