2023 RSNA Editorial Fellows Announced
Fellows will work with Radiology and RadioGraphics Editors, Staff

Bruno Hochhegger, MD, PhD, has been named the 2023 RSNA William R. Eyler Editorial Fellow, and Masis Isikbay, MD, is the 2023 William W. Olmsted Trainee Editorial Fellow.
Dr. Hochhegger is a thoracic radiologist, professor and vice chair of research for the Department of Radiology at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He previously served as a thoracic radiologist and professor of radiology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.
After earning his medical degree at the Federal University of Santa Maria and completing his residency at Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Porto Alegre, both in Brazil, Dr. Hochhegger completed a Master of Science degree in radiology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
He later earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in respiratory sciences at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and completed a subsequent thoracic radiology clinical fellowship at Pavilhao Pereira Filho Hospital, Federal University of Health Sciences.
With more than 360 PubMed indexed papers, Dr. Hochhegger built his experience in clinical imaging analysis, specializing in chronic lung diseases and lung cancer. A mentor to 29 PhD and MSc students, he has also been successful in securing grant funding for research in the areas of lung cancer screening and innovative imaging methods in chest diseases.
Dr. Isikbay is a diagnostic neuroradiology fellow at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) where he will complete a neuro-interventional radiology fellowship. After earning his medical degree from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Dr. Isikbay completed his radiology residency at UCSF where he served as chief resident of the diagnostic radiology program.
A recipient of the 2022 RSNA Education Project Award, for which he created an online radiology call prep curriculum, Dr. Isikbay was also recently awarded the RSNA Derek Harwood-Nash International Education Scholar Grant to expand on these efforts.
Dr. Isikbay is a member of RSNA’s Radiology In Training editorial board and serves as a full reviewer for both Radiology and RadioGraphics.
Both fellows will meet with Radiology Editor Linda Moy, MD, in New York, and RadioGraphics editor Christine Cooky Menias, MD, in Phoenix.
The Eyler Editorial Fellowship takes place over the course of one month. The Olmsted Trainee Editorial Fellowship lasts one week. Each fellow will visit the RSNA Publications Department at RSNA headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, and will meet with the Radiology editorial team during RSNA 2023.
For More Information
Learn more about the RSNA Journals Editorial Fellowships.