RSNA 2020 Trending Topics


Sessions focus on the use of AI-based methods for the image acquisition, analysis and interpretation of large vessel occlusions on CTA and radiomics and ML approaches to prediction of survival in glioblastoma.

What’s in the Pipeline for Neuroradiology? highlights new MR-guided focused US for brain application, the clinical 7 Tesla MRI and spectral and photon-counting CT.

The Hot Topic session is Stroke Imaging-How Recent Trials Are Changing Radiologists’ Practices.

There are two sessions of Case-Based Review of Neuroradiology, which include pediatric and adult brain topics, and head and neck lumps and spine issues.

Quantitative Techniques for the Neuroradiologist focuses on the role of quantitative imaging for mild traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular disease and biomarker discovery in neuro-oncology.

Look for education exhibits on dual-energy applications for a variety of neurological conditions, including stroke, anatomy of dilated perivascular spaces, central nervous system imaging, thoracic findings in COVID-19, the use of neural networks for complex brain and skull base tumors and tumor metrics. 

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