RSNA Hosts New Resident-Focused Webinar on COVID-19
Topics include the pandemic’s impact on medical education instruction and preparation
The recorded webinar, "The Impact of COVID-19 on Radiology Residents and Resident Education," is available on the RSNA YouTube channel (@RSNAtube). The webinar focused on the impact COVID-19 is having on radiology residents, trainees, fellows, residency programs and medical students.
Topics covered during the webinar included trainee experiences during the pandemic, impacts on board exams, job searches and recruitment and discussion of the valuable educational resources available to assist trainees during this time.

The webinar was moderated by Mary C. Mahoney, MD, president-elect and secretary-treasurer, RSNA Board of Directors, Benjamin Felson Endowed chair and professor of radiology at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine.
Also participating in the webinar were Mahmud Mossa-Basha, MD, chief of radiology, University of Washington Medical Center; Janet E. Bailey, MD, associate chair of education, professor of radiology, University of Michigan; Harpit S. Bedi, MD, associate vice chairman of radiology education, Boston Medical Center; and Dania Daye, MD, PhD, interventional radiology fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital.
CME will be available for both the live and on-demand versions of this webinar.
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