RSNA 2020: All Virtual Meeting Creates Synergy Around the World
Radiology's biggest week showcased the research, education and technology at the forefront of the specialty
RSNA 2020: Human Insight/Visionary Medicine has concluded following a spectacular week of educational programming, scientific presentations, education exhibits and product demonstrations that were accessed by radiologists around the world.
The all-virtual format of the annual meeting allowed for registrants to participate on their own time and in the comfort of their office or home. Registrants made the most of their time throughout the week enhancing their learning, connecting with colleagues and company representatives and exchanging ideas. Whether they were submitting a record number of Case of the Day submissions, using the chat boxes to submit questions and comments during live education or sharing their session recommendations over social media, registrants experienced an RSNA annual meeting like no other.
If you did not register for the meeting, you can still register now. You can also upgrade your Standard registration to Premium and access the extended meeting content.
- Experience the on-demand sessions and education exhibits and scientific posters
- Visit the Virtual Exhibition for the AI Showcase and industry presentations and demonstrations
- Watch the plenary lectures
- Get an overview of the wide variety of scientific content and news from the meeting, at the Daily Bulletin, the official newspaper of the RSNA annual meeting.