Message from the President
RSNA President James P. Borgstede, MD, provides an important update about RSNA’s 2020 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting

As the convener of the world’s largest radiology meeting with over 50,000 attendees from 137 countries, our ability to conduct RSNA 2020 in Chicago is impacted by global public health considerations. With a mission that focuses on health and patient care, the primary consideration for RSNA is the health and safety of attendees, presenters, exhibitors, staff, and by extension, the global community. Therefore, we concluded it would be impossible to safely conduct RSNA 2020 in person and have decided to hold RSNA 2020: Human Insight/Visionary Medicine as an exclusively virtual event. The RSNA 2020 Virtual Meeting will be held completely online November 29 - December 5.
While we are disappointed we cannot safely meet in Chicago this year, we continue to stand proudly in partnership with the many physicians, health care professionals, researchers, and companies doing their part to stop the pandemic and preserve public health, and we look forward to providing a successful virtual meeting.
Since the inception of our meeting more than a century ago, only twice in history — in 1943 and 1945 — have we been forced to cancel the physical meeting, and that was due to transportation and gasoline supply issues during and immediately following World War II. These truly are unprecedented times and it is an understatement to call this necessary decision disappointing. Fortunately, today we are privileged with digital technologies that allow us to hold a different, yet comprehensive and engaging meeting. Our Virtual Meeting will ensure the opportunity for participation for everyone impacted across the globe by institutional, corporate, or national travel restrictions.
As a virtual event, RSNA 2020 promises to deliver an outstanding program for radiology professionals from around the world. We are enhancing our already successful virtual meeting to offer a rewarding experience for attendees, presenters, and exhibitors. With more than 11,000 scientific and educational abstract submissions, clearly the radiology community is looking to RSNA as its anchor for learning and sharing science and education this year, despite the pandemic.
While we understand how disappointing this is for our many faculty, presenters, and attendees, we know you are also dealing with the difficult consequences of COVID-19 at your own institutions and in your communities.
The saying “We are in this together” rings true for the radiology community now more than ever. Together we will continue caring for our patients and supporting each other in many ways. As your professional society, we promise you that RSNA will continue to provide you access to the tools, education, and scientific and technological innovation that you need to grow in your profession and, most importantly, to provide your patients with high quality and safe health care.
While we will miss the opportunity to see each other in person in Chicago, as many of us have enjoyed for decades, we look forward to connecting with you virtually, and to delivering an outstanding RSNA 2020. Connecting medical imaging professionals from around the world is more important than ever during this time, and RSNA will do this in the best and safest way possible.
Registration for RSNA 2020 opens July 22nd and will be free to members. Stay tuned to for future updates on the annual meeting.
Thank you for your loyalty to RSNA and for all that you do to serve our patients. I look forward to seeing you virtually at RSNA 2020: Human Insight/Visionary Medicine. Wishing you and yours continued health!