RSNA Board of Directors Report
2019 provides new opportunities to meet member needs

Throughout my years in practice, radiology has been an exciting, challenging and fulfilling career. We are in a profession that is constantly evolving, requiring us to stay in step with progress. Your RSNA leadership has been busy in the first half of 2019, planning the strategies, programs and initiatives that will keep you at the forefront of your practice and focused on the best possible care for your patients. As the RSNA Board refines the organization’s Strategic Plan, we find that the RSNA mission is intact as we continue to look for new ways to meet the needs of the Society’s constituents.
Artificial Intelligence Initiatives Abound
As artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of radiology practice, RSNA is leading the field in machine learning (ML) and AI research and education with expanded opportunities planned over the coming months and into the future.
The first new addition to RSNA family of journals, Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, was launched in January to highlight the emerging applications of ML and AI in the field of imaging across multiple disciplines. Key points from the 2018 RSNA Summit on AI in Radiology were summarized in an article in a subsequent issue of the journal.
We continue our commitment to AI education with more online and in-person courses, including the first Spotlight course in the U.S., held in San Francisco, Calif. Following a highly successful 2018 AI Spotlight course in Paris, France, another AI course took place this May in Paris.
RSNA’s third AI Challenge will launch later this year, focused on the detection and classification of cerebral hemorrhages. In 2018, more than 1,400 teams participated in the competition, with a $30,000 prize from Kaggle, Inc. awarded to the winners.
“See Possibilities Together” at RSNA 2019
Preparation for each annual meeting begins even before the previous meeting concludes. We have an exciting program for RSNA 2019 where attendees will experience the vision, opportunities and collaboration RSNA provides its members and attendees.
As the premier forum for presenting medical imaging science, abstract submissions for RSNA 2019 hit an all-time high of 13,419. Attendees can look forward to learning about the latest in radiologic education, research and technologic innovation and hearing from luminaries with perspectives from within and outside of the field.
With engagement in the Virtual Meeting increasing each year, the Board approved the continued expansion of this important annual meeting feature.
Far-Reaching Programs for the Radiology Community
In April, RSNA hosted a sold-out Spotlight course in Santiago, Chile, titled Nuevas Fronteras: Avances en Radiología del Tórax.
The new, interactive RSNA Value of Imaging through Comparative Effectiveness (VOICE) Program provides imaging scientists tools to conduct comparative effectiveness research to demonstrate the value of imaging.
In addition to its new AI journal, RSNA launched Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging in April and will launch Radiology: Imaging Cancer online later this year. The Radiology family of journals provides readers a wide array of high-quality imaging science.
Recognizing that radiologists at various stages of their careers have diverse needs, RSNA created the Early Career Physician Engagement Task Force. The Task Force will assess the needs of radiologists in their first 10 years post training and will develop recommendations for RSNA to best support radiologists at this early career state.
This is only a snippet of all your Society is undertaking to ensure that you have access to the information, content and education you need, when you need it. The RSNA Board truly appreciates the time and energy that volunteer members contribute to creating the best experiences for all members. We encourage you to let us know about your professional needs and experiences to help us continue to work for you. We are in this together.