First Impression
Outstanding Educator and Researcher Announced

The RSNA Board of Directors has announced the Outstanding Educator and Outstanding Researcher who will be honored at the 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting.

David M. Yousem, MD
Baltimore, MD

Carolyn C. Meltzer, MD
Atlanta, GA
Celebrate the Seventh Annual International Day of Radiology on Nov. 8

The International Day of Radiology (IDoR) is set for Nov. 8 to create greater awareness of the value that radiology research, diagnosis and treatment contribute to safe patient care and bring better understanding of the vital role radiologists perform in health care delivery.
IDoR is an initiative of RSNA, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) with a dedicated website ( and social media activities.
Visit for customizable promotional materials and more information.

RSNA R&E Foundation Grant Applications Open
The RSNA Research & Education (R&E) Foundation awards millions of dollars each year to promising researchers and educators in radiology. Many past recipients have credited an R&E grant for sparking a career in academic research and opening doors to additional funding from national resources.
The online application process will open in October for several research, medical student and education grants. Deadlines for applications begin in January. Visit to discover the available grants, learn how to apply and read about current and past funded projects.
New at RSNA 2018: 3D Printing & Advanced Visualization Showcase Moves to Technical Exhibits Floor
The 3D Printing & Advanced Visualization Showcase is returning to this year’s RSNA annual meeting, but attendees will find it in a new location: the Technical Exhibits floor in the South Hall. Previously, the showcase was located in the Learning Center.
This year’s showcase will feature daily sessions, hands-on courses, poster presentations and a 3D printing demonstration area. Attendees can also explore products in 3D printing equipment and software as well as advanced visualization products including augmented reality, holography and virtual reality platforms.
Throughout the meeting, exhibitors will give short product presentations in the Showcase Theater, which will also feature daily presentations from members of RSNA’s 3D Printing Special Interest Group.
The 3D Printing & Advanced Visualization Showcase is sponsored by TeraRecon.
IRIYA Participants at 2018 Annual Meeting
The RSNA Introduction to Research for International Young Academics (IRIYA) program encourages young radiology professionals to strengthen and grow their teaching and research careers. The program offers young academics the chance to attend specialized courses, small group discussions and other networking opportunities during the RSNA annual meeting.
The 2018 IRIYA participants and their home countries are:
Ankit Balani, MBBS, DMRB
Yu-Chen Chen, MD, PhD
Claudia Corona, MD
Ilona Dekkers, MD, MSc
Fatma Elkafrawy, MBBCH, MSc
Dyan Christine Flores, MD
Salvatore Gitto, MD
Hidayatullah Hamidi, MD
Eui Jin Hwang, MD,
Republic of Korea
Brendan Kelly, MBBCH, BSc, MSc
Ghizlane Lembarki, MD
Filippo Pesapane, MD
Rolf Reiter, MD
Adolfo Enrique Rodriguez, MD
Domiziana Santucci, MD
Abdul Thalakkottu, MD
Kai Wang, MD
ABR Online Longitudinal Assessment Preview at RSNA 2018
The American Board of Radiology’s (ABR) Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA) for Part 3 of the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program will be available for preview at RSNA 2018.
Diagnostic radiology and diagnostic radiology subspecialty diplomates will be able to access OLA in early 2019, with subsequent roll-out to the other ABR specialties of interventional radiology, medical physics and radiation oncology in 2020.
OLA is a progressive online assessment that will replace the previous proctored MOC exam required every 10 years. OLA enables diplomates to demonstrate what they know through a convenient and flexible online format, eliminating the need for travel.
Stop by the ABR booth 1013 in the South Hall at RSNA 2018 for a personal OLA demonstration.

QIBA® Profile Conformance Testing Now Available
The Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance® (QIBA) is offering a new conformance testing service to help clinical sites demonstrate achievement in high-quality quantitative imaging results. QIBA is an RSNA initiative to advance quantitative imaging and the use of imaging biomarkers in clinical practice and clinical trials by engaging health care professionals, researchers and industry.
Clinical sites that achieve QIBA Profile specifications will receive a QIBA Conformance Certification Mark to distinguish themselves as performing quantitative imaging studies with a high level of precision. Scanner and analysis software vendors can also obtain the QIBA Conformance Certification Mark to demonstrate that their specific medical device has been thoroughly tested and has achieved conformance with a QIBA Profile.
QIBA Conformance Certification Services, including an image quality assessment phantom and online phantom analysis services, are currently only available for the QIBA CT Small Lung Nodule Profile.
RSNA works in partnership with Accumetra, a software development company focused on developing and improving quantitative imaging technologies, to manage the imaging results.
For more information on QIBA’s conformance testing and certification, go to
In Memoriam
RSNA Mourns the Passing of Alexander R. Margulis, MD READ MORE
In Memoriam
Scott A. Walter
RSNA has lost a dear friend and colleague. Scott A. Walter, assistant director for grant administration with the RSNA Research & Education (R&E) Foundation, died unexpectedly on Sept. 4. His knowledge and expertise related to the Foundation’s granting process was vast and his commitment to its mission was considerable.
“Scott was incredibly knowledgeable, helpful, sincere and nice to everyone at all levels,” said Umar Mahmood, MD, PhD, RSNA Board of Directors member and trustee of the R&E Foundation. “He always focused on being the applicants’ advocate, helped guide a generation of R&E grant reviewers and looked after a generation of grant recipients.”
During his 18 years at RSNA, he forged genuine friendships with the staff and members and he left a lasting impression on everyone he met.
“We have all lost a valued family member,” said James P. Borgstede, MD, chairman, RSNA Board of Directors. “The world was a better place because of Scott Walter. Now it’s a little lonelier.”
Announcement Box
James D. Cox, MD
A recognized leader in radiation oncology and proton therapy, James D. Cox, MD, professor emeritus, Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, died Aug. 14 in Houston. He was 80.
During his nearly three decades at MDACC, Dr. Cox was internationally acclaimed for his contributions to treating cancer.
Dr. Cox received his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York. Dr. Cox served in the U.S. Army at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, before beginning his academic career at Georgetown University. Dr. Cox was recruited to MDACC in 1988 as a professor of radiation oncology, physician-in-chief and vice president of patient care. From 1995 until his retirement in 2014, Dr. Cox served as head of the Division of Radiation Oncology and chair of the Radiation Oncology Department at MDACC.
His wife, Ritsuko U. Komaki, MD, is a professor and section chief of thoracic radiation oncology at MDACC.
Dr. Cox was a former president of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). He authored nearly 500 research papers published and co-authored the authoritative guide, Radiation Oncology, now in its 9th edition.
Dr. Cox served as RSNA second vice president in 1991 and was a former associate editor of the Radiology Editorial Board. He also gave the 1993 RSNA Annual Oration in Radiation Oncology. He was a former chair of the RSNA Refresher Course Radiation Oncology Subcommittee and served as RSNA faculty at several annual meetings. He was also an RSNA Research & Education (R&E) Foundation Visionary donor.