RSNA/AAPM Seek Radiologists and Medical Physicists to Revise Online Physics Modules

Applications will be accepted until December 19.
RSNA and American Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) are seeking radiology departments to revise RSNA./AAPM online physics modules. The modules provide a basic introduction to imaging physics, imaging science and radiation biology.
Introduced in 2009, the RSNA/AAPM self-guided physics modules are designed to supplement physics education during radiology residency and assist with continued self-study. The modules are available to RSNA and AAPM members as a membership benefit.
The modules are developed by a team that includes at least one physicist and one radiologist and then undergo ongoing peer review to continually improve content and quality.
RSNA/AAPM are soliciting radiology departments to “adopt” a physics module and assume responsibility for reviewing and updating its content. Departments will be asked to identify the team leaders (one physicist and one diagnostic radiologist) who will oversee the peer-review and revision process for the physics module assigned.
Modules up for review for 2019:
- Gamma Cameras/Image Quality
- Imaging Gently: CT Imaging and Radiation Protection of Pediatric Patients
- Interaction of Ultrasound (US) with Tissue and Doppler US
- MRI: Image Characteristics
- MRI: Pulse Sequences
- Radiation Detection Instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine Practice
- Radiation Dose and Safety in Interventional Radiology
- Radiation Dose in CT
- Image Display
- X-Ray Tubes and Spectra
Each participating department will receive a $2,000 (USD) stipend upon acceptance of the final revised module. Recognition for each department includes adding the institution’s name, logo and participants’ names to the module, related signage at RSNA/AAPM annual meetings and recognition ribbons.
Apply online at until Dec. 19. For more information on the physics modules, go to