IDOR: Recognizing Radiologic Innovations That Have Revolutionized Modern Medicine

On Nov. 8, radiology-related professional societies from around the globe celebrate the International Day of Radiology (IDoR) to recognize the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. IDoR 2018 marks the 123rd anniversary of the discovery.
Since 2012, RSNA, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) have encouraged radiology professionals to acknowledge this discovery and create awareness about the valuable role medical imaging plays in patient care. Last year, nearly 170 organizations around the world participated with activities that celebrated radiology.
At RSNA headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, staff contribute to the Research & Education (R&E) Foundation in honor of IDoR. Staff who donate enjoy an extra casual dress day in the office and are treated to doughnuts and hot chocolate as part of the celebration. In 2017, RSNA staff donated $2,465 during IDoR to support radiologic research.
Throughout Europe, radiologic organizations are focusing on cardiac imaging for IDoR 2018. Some of the activities planned around the world include:
- The Radiological Society of Northern Greece will host a three-day course on
cardiovascular imaging. - The Nepal Radiological Society has scheduled a one-day workshop on cardiac imaging that will focus on cardiac interventional procedures, cardiac CT and MRI and cardiac nuclear medicine.
- A full-day cardiac imaging conference is planned by the Sociedad Española de Graduados en Radiología in Madrid.
- Both the Società Italiana de Radiologia Medica and the Russian Society of Radiology will dedicate the first day of their upcoming annual meetings to cardiac imaging.
In addition to the numerous activities being planned for radiologic professionals, there are public initiatives that recognize IDoR and also create awareness all year-long about the many innovations in radiology research that have enabled more effective and efficient patient care and saved countless lives.
One such initiative is the RSNA and ACR jointly sponsored, an online resource for patients. The website explains medical imaging tests and treatments in detailed, easy-to-understand language, helping patients to prepare for imaging procedures.
IDoR has a strong social media presence, with events being listed on Facebook, historical information about radiology being shared on Twitter and images of celebrations being posted on Instagram. Use #IDoR2018 to follow the conversation.