RSNA and SPR Partner for Global Radiology Education
RSNA Travels to JPR for its 48th Annual Meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Transforming education in radiology was the theme of the Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (JPR) annual meeting in São Paulo, Brazil, in early May.
RSNA partnered with the Radiological and Diagnostic Imaging Society of São Paulo (SPR) to host JPR, the leading medical imaging meeting in Latin America. The event attracted more than 17,000 people. During the meeting, RSNA and SPR agreed to continue their partnership for the joint planning of JPR in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
“The partnership between RSNA and SPR ensures that the best of both organizations come together to provide education, updates and networking opportunities for radiologists from around the world,” said Umar Mahmood, MD, RSNA Board Liaison for International Affairs. “There are so many fast-paced changes taking place in radiology and partnerships like this can help advance the specialty to meet the evolving needs of our members.”
Six years ago, RSNA and SPR leaders formed a partnership to benefit their shared goal of advancing radiologic science and education internationally. They agreed to work together to plan and implement JPR meetings designed to showcase some of the best work that both organizations offer. The first joint meeting was held in 2014 with meetings now held every two years.
The joint work of international scientific societies is of fundamental importance for the future of radiologists, according to Carlos Homsi, MD, president of SPR.
“The opportunity to exchange regional experiences and implement global solutions for common goals in radiology will strengthen the profession as we are challenged by the continued search for knowledge and understanding of new technology, such as artificial intelligence, and how it will affect us,” Dr. Homsi said.
During this year’s meeting, James Borgstede, MD, chair of the RSNA Board of Directors and Valerie P. Jackson, MD, RSNA president-elect and secretary-treasurer spoke during the opening session. Other RSNA and SPR invited speakers presented throughout the meeting. Each session was delivered in the speaker's native language and translated into Portuguese, Spanish or English.
“Forming international alliances will develop and enhance the contact between radiologists and professionals around the world,” Dr. Borgstede said. “Radiology is global and the challenges faced by one organization and one geographic area are similar in other parts of the world. Partnerships bring better solutions to these common challenges and, in the end, all patient care is improved.”
The partnership extends beyond the meeting to promote membership in both organizations. RSNA membership continues to grow its global representations, with over 54,000 members worldwide. Close to 30 percent of these members are from outside of North America. RSNA has over 2,800 members from South America, including close to 1,500 members from Brazil.
Web Extras
- Access information on RSNA's international programs, fellowships and grants at
- Access more information on SPR at