Learning the Fundamentals of Imaging Informatics
Registration open for fall NIIC course

Senior radiology residents looking to understand the fundamentals of imaging informatics can participate in the innovative, weeklong online National Imaging Informatics Curriculum and Course (NIIC). RSNA partners with the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) to sponsor the course. Registration for the fall 2018 course, Oct. 9-12, is open.
The inaugural NIIC session took place in October 2017 and 199 participants from 36 residency programs participated. The second session took place in January with 430 students from 58 programs taking the course. Participants learned about radiology informatics standards, computers and networking, PACS and security through a series of live and recorded lectures and small group discussion sessions.
“It is so important for radiologists to appreciate what goes on behind the scenes of the systems with which we interact every day, and how these systems can be leveraged to improve the care our patients receive,” said Tessa S. Cook, PhD, assistant professor of radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. “It's critical for residents to understand the fundamentals of imaging informatics, how it affects their daily practice, what challenges it creates for them as well as for their patients and how they can take advantage of new technology to deliver better care. This is practical – not theoretical – knowledge.”
Participants complete pre- and post-course tests to measure their baseline knowledge and progress, as well as surveys to learn how the course can be improved. To receive credit they are required to complete homework assignments and reading materials and to participate in small group discussions led by expert moderators.
“Generally, residents don’t know that much about informatics before taking the course and the good news is that the evaluations before and after the course indicate they are learning a lot from the experience,” said Nabile M. Safdar MD, vice-chair of informatics, department of radiology and imaging sciences, Emory University, Atlanta. “This exposure is important during training so that residents have a basic knowledge of informatics and can decide if they want to pursue further training, such as an imaging informatics fellowship.”
Drs. Cook and Safdar, along with their fellow RSNA members, Michael P. Recht, MD and Kathy P. Andriole PhD, developed the NIIC, which was hosted on the Google Massive Open Online Course platform.
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- Learn rel="noopener noreferrer" more about NIIC at https://sites.google.com/view/imaging-informatics-course/fees-and-registration?authuser=0