RSNA 2017 Gold Medal Richard L. Baron, MD (posthumous)
Gold Medals recognize exemplary service to the science of radiology

Widely respected as a masterful diagnostic radiologist, educator, author and researcher, Richard L. Baron, MD, generously shared his knowledge and insight with colleagues around the world.
“Serving on the RSNA Board with Dr. Baron, I admired the thoughtfulness that he brought to every decision and his commitment to inclusion and fair play,” RSNA President Richard L. Ehman, MD, said. “He truly worked to make the world a better place.”
Throughout his career, Dr. Baron was dedicated to building bridges between radiologists across the globe. He worked closely with radiology associations around the world, building a roster of lifelong personal and professional relationships along the way.
Among his many accolades, Dr. Baron received the Medal of Honor and honorary membership in the French Radiological Society in 2015, the Gold Medal of the Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology in 2014, and honorary membership in the European Society of Radiology earlier this year.
Dr. Baron spent the latter part of his career at the University of Chicago (UC), serving as professor of radiology from 2002 until the time of his passing. He served as UC chair of the Department of Radiology from 2002 to 2011, and as dean for clinical practice from 2011 to 2013. At the University of Pittsburgh, he served as chair of the Department of Radiology from 1992 to 1999, and as founding president and CEO of the University of Pittsburgh Physicians from 1997 to 2002.
Dr. Baron’s research focused on diagnostic imaging of liver disease and he served as an international authority on imaging in chronic liver disease and liver tumors. At RSNA 2016, he organized a special Liver Symposium where experts met to discuss this critical area of research.
Forging a lasting legacy at RSNA, Dr. Baron served in numerous leadership positions culminating in his RSNA presidency in 2016. He joined the RSNA Board of Directors in 2008 and served as the Board liaison for education and international affairs. In his RSNA 2016 President’s Address, “Beyond Imaging: Ensuring Radiology Impact in Clinical Care and Research,” Dr. Baron offered valuable insight on the future of the specialty he devoted his life to building.
Dr. Baron died May 4, 2017. In recognition of his tremendous contributions to radiology as an educator, researcher and leader, RSNA awards a posthumous Gold Medal to Richard L. Baron, MD.