RSNA Spotlight Course in Colombia a Success

RSNA's second Spotlight Course: MSK Interactivo con Casos (MSK: Interactive Course with Cases), held in May in Bogota, Colombia, drew 187 professional attendees from 16 countries.
The Regional Committee for Latin America (RCLA), which is part of the RSNA International Advisory Committee, assisted in planning the course and recommended musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging as the topic based on the educational needs of RSNA members in Latin America. Course directors Jorge Soto, MD, and Gabriel Dib, MD, led the 2 ½-day program, which was conducted entirely in Spanish.
Participants learned through interactive and case-based courses that included the popular Cases of the Day and used the RSNA Diagnosis Live™ quiz-based learning format to test their knowledge.
“I have only received positive comments and thank you notes," Dr. Soto said about the course. "Thank you to everyone who helped at RSNA, the course was a major success. It is very encouraging to see that Latin American radiologists embrace the efforts of the Society to bring education closer to their homes."