RSNA Continues Partnership with SPR for JPR Meetings in São Paulo, Brazil
RSNA and the Radiological and Diagnostic Imaging Society of São Paulo (SPR) have agreed to continue their partnership for the joint planning of Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (JPR) in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
JPR is the leading medical imaging meeting in Latin America. The event attracts more than 20,000 people, including representatives from 110 companies. The 2017 JPR meeting will be held from May 4-7 in São Paulo.
“We are delighted to continue the collaboration with the SPR,” said RSNA President Richard L. Ehman, MD. “Through this partnership, we have been able to foster the exchange of ideas and to develop outstanding programs that further the mission of both organizations to serve their members.”
Both RSNA and SPR form international alliances in order to develop and enhance the contact between radiologists and professionals from various regions of the world. Collaborating on scientific meetings such as JPR is an important example of this work.
“SPR is very proud of this partnership with RSNA,” said SPR President Antonio Soares Souza, MD. “The results of this strategy have brought a multitude of benefits to our attendees. Also, the SPR coordinators have learned a great deal from their colleagues from North America. In the end, we feel we have something very important in common: our interest in continually improving education in diagnostic imaging.”
Five years ago, RSNA and SPR leaders decided that a partnership would be beneficial to their shared goal of advancing radiologic science and education internationally. They agreed to work together to plan and implement JPR meetings in 2014, 2016 and 2018, designed to showcase some of the best work that both organizations offer.
For the upcoming JPR meetings, SPR and RSNA will work together to plan the meeting structure and program content, develop plenary sessions and identify speakers. RSNA will also assist in developing materials and courses that are not typically offered at JPR.
“Partnerships like this allow us to explore an international wealth of ideas, education and research,” said James P. Borgstede, M.D., RSNA Board Liaison for International Affairs. “Through global collaboration, we can adapt to the evolving needs of our members and meeting attendees, while advancing the specialty of radiology in the years to come. Our relationship with our wonderful SPR colleagues is so important.”
RSNA has increasingly become a global organization, with 29 percent of its membership residing outside North America, including nearly 3,000 members from South America.
The RSNA 103rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting will be held Nov. 26 – Dec. 1 in Chicago.

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- For more information on SPR, go to
- For more information on RSNA’s international programs, fellowships and grants, go to