Jackson, Becker, Among Endowed Professorships at Indiana University

RSNA Board of Directors Liaison for Education Valerie P. Jackson, MD, 2009 RSNA president Gary J. Becker, MD, Dean D. Maglinte, MD, and Heun Yune, MD, were recently honored with endowed professorships by the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine’s Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences.
Endowed professorships in education were established in the names of Drs. Jackson and Maglinte.
Dr. Jackson, the executive director of the American Board of Radiology, served as radiology chair for 10 years and was the Eugene C. Klatte Professor of Radiology at IU. Her extensive RSNA involvement includes serving as chair of the Refresher Course Committee, as an associate editor of Radiology, as a member of the Public Information Advisors Network and on the RSNA News Editorial Board. Dr. Jackson was RSNA first vice president from 2008-2009 and has served on the RSNA Research & Education (R&E) Foundation Board of Trustees since 2009.
Dr. Maglinte, who has served RSNA as a faculty member at multiple annual meetings and as a Radiology Editorial Board member, is a Distinguished Professor of Radiology and Director of the Visiting Professors Program at IU.
Dr. Becker spent 20 years at Indiana University and served as chief of the vascular and interventional section and professor of radiology. His extensive RSNA involvement includes serving as chair and president of the RSNA Board of Directors and as a trustee for the RSNA R&E Foundation. Dr. Becker delivered the Annual Oration in Diagnostic Radiology at RSNA 2000 and received the RSNA Gold Medal in 2014.
Dr. Yune served at IU as director of the residency program and was awarded the John A. Campbell Professor of Radiology.