RSNA Announces Travel Award Program for Annual Meeting

RSNA has created a Travel Awards program for young investigators to help defray costs of attending the RSNA annual meeting, beginning with RSNA 2016.
“The RSNA Board of Directors is excited to be able to offset a portion of travel expenses in order to ensure that the absolute top quality of imaging science is presented at our venue,” said Matthew A. Mauro, M.D., RSNA Board of Directors liaison for information technology and annual meeting.
The program will offer $500 awards to the top 400 young investigators whose papers have been accepted for presentation. At the time of abstract submission, potential recipients must be:
- Currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate program;
- Clinical trainees who are currently enrolled in a full-time clinical training program; or
- Postdoctoral trainees who were awarded a doctorate or equivalent degree no more than three years ago.
Potential recipients must also be current RSNA members and the first author and intended presenter of the submitted abstract. Candidates who have been awarded stipends in the three previous years will not be considered.
Full details and eligibility requirements are available with the 2016 call for abstracts at