Health Equity Research: A Bench-to-Bedside Approach

Learn how to apply and adapt a health equity research framework to fit the needs of diverse and vulnerable populations during this free, one-hour webinar. Health equity professionals in the radiology field will give short presentations addressing health disparity topics and interact with participants in a live Q&A.
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Webinar details
Take an interactive, practical approach to addressing health disparities in this free webinar. Learn essential elements of a health equity research framework focused on social determinants of health and health disparities. The applications of this framework can be adapted to fit the needs of vulnerable populations across different institutions. In this one-hour webinar, short presentations by a diverse panel of radiology health equity professionals will be followed by live Q&A. Topics include social genomics, user-centered design, implementation science and epidemiology. Community outreach tactics to inform institutional policy and overcome barriers to care will also be discussed.Date: Oct. 26, 2022
Time: 1-2 p.m. CT
Price: Free
Course Directors
Efren Flores, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, Vanderbilt University
Ruth C. Carlos, MD, MS, University of Michigan Health System
Anand K. Narayan, MD, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Jordan Neil, MD, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, Vanderbilt University