
Molecular Imaging Education Resources

The RSNA Molecular Imaging (MI) resource page was created to promote education and understanding of molecular imaging to clinicians, imaging and basic scientists, program directors and trainees interested in developing a better understanding of this subject.

It provides educational resources and links regarding MI technology, research, clinical applications, and other relevant information. The goal is to recognize and promote opportunities of molecular imaging and to help mainstream molecular imaging into clinical practice.

Molecular Imaging

What is molecular imaging?

The application of single or multi-modality imaging for the spatio-temporal visualization of physiology and molecules including their function in biological and disease processes. Examples of the former may include analysis of receptors, metabolic changes, molecular motion, and blood flow. Example techniques include optical, nuclear medicine, MR, CT and ultrasound.

Molecular Imaging Education Directory of Knowledge

This PDF directory outlines a MI topic curriculum across multiple modalities, including contrast and radiopharmaceutical design, imaging tools and functions, regulatory requirements, study design, and potential sources of funding.

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Publicly Available Clinical Databases

Sharing of data across the biomedical research community is vital to advancing research and its clinical translation to patient care. Below you will find links to centralized repositories for the public dissemination of proteomic sequence datasets, cancer genomic study results, and de-identified image archives in support of precision medicine.

NIH Cancer Imaging Program

Federal programs and resources that support the discovery and development of molecular imaging, biomarkers, and emerging technologies to better understand, detect, treat and monitor cancer therapy and research are listed below.

Potential Funding Sources

National Institutes of Health and RSNA support research and education in MI to advance scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice improvement. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) and RSNA offer various funding resources outlined below:

Clinically Approved Agents/Tracers

Imaging agents and radiotracers developed and approved for clinical use are used in MRI, PET, CT, Ultrasound and x-ray imaging. These can be used to diagnose disease as well as monitor treatment effects. The following lists include current and historical, modality-specific imaging agents and MI radiotracers for reference.

Molecular Imaging Reference Materials

For more information regarding various MI topics, we have compiled the most relevant research information for basic scientist, imaging scientists and clinicians. The powerful searches below may be further refined, for example, to years of relevance to the viewer; this is possible by selecting custom range options on the left page PubMed margin.

RSNA Journal Search: Radiology & RadioGraphics

PubMed (NCBI) MI Search for Basic Scientists

PubMed (NCBI) MI Search for Imaging Scientists

PubMed (NCBI) MI Search for Clinicians 

PubMed (NCBI) MI Search by Modality
CT Molecular imaging
MR Molecular imaging
PET Molecular imaging
PET/CT Molecular imaging
PET/MR Molecular imaging
SPECT Molecular imaging
Ultrasound Molecular imaging
Optical Molecular imaging