RSNA’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

Inclusivity logo

RSNA is committed to representing our members with a unified voice that reflects our mission and values. We celebrate our diverse community of members from around the world and we prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) throughout the organization while working to establish more equitable pathways, build diversity and address gaps within the radiology profession.

Join our ongoing commitment to advancing DEI and explore this page to find educational resources related to workforce diversity, allyship, gender equity and addressing disparities in imaging and health care. 

On this page

Diversifying the radiology workforce
DEI in practice

Diversifying the radiology workforce

On-demand webinar: A Call to Action: Cultivating a Diverse Radiology Workforce

Incorporating DEI Into Recruitment Efforts for Radiology Trainees

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Radiology: How Far We Have Come in Narrowing the Gender Gap

Fostering Organizational Excellence through Inclusive Leadership: Practical Guide for Radiology Leaders

DEI in practice


Combatting Microaggressions in the Workplace

Grassroots Approach to Forming a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in an Academic Radiology Department

Highlighting Social Equity Topics at RSNA 2024


Building An All-Inclusive Specialty: Why Allyship is Important

Building An All-Inclusive Specialty: A Culture of Allyship Means...

RSNA EdCentral: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

DEI and health equity programming at RSNA 2024


RSNA promotes a welcoming environment for all 

With an emphasis on inclusion, RSNA designates our activities and events as welcoming environments for all participants. We call on our members to demonstrate positive professional behavior and help identify situations that are not reflective of our values.

RSNA is committed to creating a welcoming environment for all participants in its events and activities. We believe that the greatest benefits to our community for the exchange of science and education are achieved when all parties can fully and freely engage one another. Therefore, all participants in RSNA events and activities—both in-person and virtual—are expected to show respect for and honor the dignity of all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, ability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. Further, we encourage a culture of bystander allyship and positive professional modeling to continuously improve our spirit of inclusivity and belonging.

Conduct that is disrespectful, offensive or harassing in any form is unacceptable. Participants that experience, witness or become aware of unacceptable behavior at an RSNA event should contact RSNA staff as soon as possible at 1-630-571-7873 or

Diversity in leadership

RSNA’s strategic plan includes the crucial goal of promoting diverse representation within the profession and ensuring diversity in RSNA leadership. RSNA was the first radiology organization to require unconscious bias training for all committee chairs, editorial board members and program planners, and to issue requirements for selection of leadership positions. Through conscious selection of faculty, leaders and representatives, RSNA seeks to amplify a diverse set of voices.

RSNA recognizes the value that inclusion of diverse leadership and faculty brings to the profession, and the importance of leadership opportunities for career development. With this in mind, RSNA expects that, at a minimum, committee leaders and program planners seek out volunteers and faculty that are representative of the profession. Considering the key role that leaders and faculty play in attracting underrepresented groups to the profession, in an effort to further diversify the profession, RSNA aspires to increase leadership and faculty diversity beyond that which is representative of the profession to more closely reflect the patients we serve.

UIM Medical Student Research Grant

The R&E Foundation provides medical students with the opportunity to gain research experience in medical imaging while they’re still in school through the Medical Student Research Grant. In conjunction with this grant, the Foundation awards up to 10 additional grants for medical students who identify as minorities underrepresented in medicine (UIM).

Ultimately, this experience gives students a chance to consider academic radiology as a future career option and helps to attract the brightest young researchers to radiology.

Building a diverse specialty

RSNA's Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CDEI) is designed to provide exposure to radiology and radiology-related careers to high school students and recent college graduates preparing for medical school. Launched in 2023, in collaboration with local academic and non-profit partners, a cohort of high school students from the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center Pathway Program and a cohort from the I AM ABEL Foundation Urban Bridges Medical Mentoring Program attended RSNA 2023 to meet radiologists, learn about radiology and tour the Technical Exhibits.

“We are excited for the opportunity to build pathway programs with nearby and regional medical schools and create opportunities for women and URM medical students. Every single member can help change the makeup of our specialty by encouraging talented students to consider the field. These efforts are vital so that our specialty can reflect the diverse group of patients we care for,” said CDEI Chair Maureen Kohi, MD, Ernest H. Wood Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Join our commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion

RSNA calls on our members to join in our commitment to advancing DEI in our profession and our patients. We provide radiologists with education, awareness and tools to self-reflect, support colleagues, and bring change to local communities. RSNA’s education and training offerings include topics such as unconscious bias, workforce diversity, gender equity and disparities in imaging and health care.

We ask RSNA members to take action by:

  • Speaking up about your commitment
  • Engaging in DEI education and training
  • Amplifying BIPOC, AAPI, LGBTQ and other diverse voices
  • Using RSNA resources, including, to connect with patients
  • Demonstrating allyship in everyday actions

We Are Radiology

RSNA takes action to promote diversity and combat inequity.
RSNA stands up against all forms of discrimination.
RSNA stands in solidarity with our members who have been marginalized.
RSNA speaks up to support members of our community.
RSNA welcomes all with an inclusive environment for activities and events. 
RSNA calls on members to be allies for colleagues and patients.
RSNA works to make health care more equitable. 

Explore our health equity topics page for related news, education and original research.

Explore health equity topics