Jocelyn D. Chertoff, MD
Outstanding Educator

Jocelyn D. Chertoff, MD, is a powerful advocate for improving resident education, faculty development and workforce issues in radiology. Her subspecialty focus is gastrointestinal imaging.
A graduate of Brown University and the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Dr. Chertoff serves as radiology department chair and professor of radiology and obstetrics and gynecology at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, where she also directed the diagnostic radiology residency program from 1993 to 2010.
"Dr. Chertoff has dedicated her career to education," said RSNA President Valerie P. Jackson, MD. "She has advanced multiple aspects of radiology through her leadership, dedication, mentorship and vision."
After receiving her medical degree, Dr. Chertoff completed a transitional internship at Hartford Hospital and a pediatric internship at the University of Connecticut Health Sciences Center. She worked for two years in a physician shortage area in New York State, then served as the medical director for Vermont EMS. She next turned her focus to medical imaging, completing a residency in radiology and a fellowship in cross-sectional imaging at the Medical Center of Vermont.
Dr. Chertoff was named a 2003-2004 fellow of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program, a highly competitive fellowship that was founded to honor the legacy of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, the first medical school for women in the U.S. The fellowship is dedicated to helping women in medicine, dentistry, public health and pharmacy develop personal and professional leadership and management skills.
In 2005 Dr. Chertoff received a master’s degree from the Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH, and in 2014 she received a master’s degree in health care delivery science from Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business. She is now a member of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock board of governors and board of trustees.
Dr. Chertoff leads several educational programs for residents, faculty development courses, and initiatives addressing issues for women physicians. She is a past chair of the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Group on Women in Medicine and Science and a past president of the Association of Program Directors in Radiology (APDR ), Alliance of Clinician Educators in Radiology (ACER), the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) and the New Hampshire Radiological Society.
Widely recognized as a dedicated educator, Dr. Chertoff received the ACER Achievement Award in 2012. She served as an oral board examiner for the ABR for nine years and in 2013 was awarded its Distinguished Service Award. In 2017 she received both the APDR Achievement Award and an AUR gold medal.